Divestment for Humanity: The Anti-Apartheid Movement at the University of Michigan

Richard Nixon on South African Apartheid, 1973

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Richard Nixon on South African Apartheid, 1973


The Nixon administration praised the role of U.S. corporations in South Africa in this 1973 report to Congress on U.S. foreign policy.


Richard Nixon, “Fourth Annual Report to the Congress on United States Foreign Policy,” May 3, 1973, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, 1973, Book I, p. 465.

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“Richard Nixon on South African Apartheid, 1973,” Divestment for Humanity: The Anti-Apartheid Movement at the University of Michigan, accessed February 11, 2025, https://michiganintheworld.history.lsa.umich.edu/antiapartheid/items/show/199.