Harvey Wasserman Interviews: Part 1
Part 1: Harvey Wasserman discusses when he attended the University of Michigan, being a part of the Michigan Daily, the role the Daily had on campus especially in the anti-Vietnam War movement, the Teach-in's effect on students, and the relationship between the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War.
Part 2: Harvey Wasserman discusses the atmosphere during the March 1965 Teach-in, how the Vietnam War affected him, his role in the anti-war movement as a journalist, and other forms of protest that he covered as a writer for the Michigan Daily.
Part 3: Harvey Wasserman discusses his support for Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 Presidential election, how the war began under Johnson's administration, the effect of the draft on young men, his own draft card burning experience, the humor of the anti-Vietnam War movement, the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention, and his experiences with police.
Part 4: Harvey Wasserman discusses his experience in the the anti-war movement in Chicago and how it compared to his experience in Ann Arbor, conspiracies about the Vietnam War, and when he became a member of SDS.
Part 5: Harvey Wasserman discusses how the Cultural Revolution was tied to the anti-Vietnam War movement, the lasting cultural effects of the 1960s, and sexism in the counter-culture as well as the rise of second-wave feminism.
Part 6: Harvey Wasserman discusses how Ann Arbor was a bubble during the 1960s, historical "what ifs" of the 1960s, how President Nixon stopped students from trying to create social change, the lesser financial burden on students during the 1960s, and how race relations began to change.