VOICE proposal about protesting recruiters
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VOICE proposal about protesting recruiters
This is a VOICE proposal to the University about the need to create a forum with recruiters on campus. VOICE, which was the SDS chapter at Michigan, argued that controversial recruiters need to be able to defend their positions to the university community a least once a semester so that students have an understanding of what they are being recruited by.
Voice Proposal Concerning Recruiters, Folder student Discipline Faculty Speeches 1968-1970, Box #9, Collection VP Student Affairs, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.
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“VOICE proposal about protesting recruiters,” Resistance and Revolution: The Anti-Vietnam War Movement at the University of Michigan, 1965-1972, accessed March 4, 2025, https://michiganintheworld.history.lsa.umich.edu/antivietnamwar/items/show/33.