Pipes of Pan
“Let’s get to know each other personally, not as Greek letters. This thing called friendship can be lasting, not only on campus, but in the future. It can be the tie that holds us together as a big and lasting unit. It is the basis of cooperation, a simple thing when everyone gets on the ground floor and pushes. Let’s try it.”
- Pipes of Pan, Vol 1. Ed. 1.
Pipes of Pan was a pan-hellenic newspaper “for and by sorority women” that began in 1948 and continued into at least 1949.
There was a section in each paper entitled “It’s Greek to Me,” a humorous column that included snippets and quips about things that were surprising or funny. For example, “how the Kappa’s manage to cop the swimming cup every year. You’d think some of their stars would graduate.”
Another column entitled “This is No Myth” chronicled the romantic lives of various sorority and fraternity members as they got “pinned,” engaged, or married. The publication also included advertisements for women’s clothing or products, usually on the back cover.
Virginia Stewart Nicklas Scrapbook, Box 1, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.