Religious Life on Campus

The Women’s League administration pursued providing women students a religious life in college, striving to extend opportunities and spaces to all denominations. A chapel existed for worship in the League, but closed in 1954 due to lack of interest.1 In lieu of any facilities intended for worship, the League recommended students find a place of worship by establishing contacts with clergy in the area for Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish students, and students of other denominations. In 1962, a survey asking if a nondenominational chapel should be reinstated found that female students did not express a strong desire to attend a University-directed religious venue, thereby finding that the primary use of the League was for eating in the cafeteria.2
1. "Chapel Survey for Michigan League, 1962, Miscellaneous Folder, Box 31, Women’s League University of Michigan Records, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan.
2. Ibid.