Campus Scenes UM Football in 1915Sports on CampusU of M Women's League, 1918Freshman vs. Sophomore Push Ball Contest, Ferry Field, 1907.Freshman vs. Sophomore Tug of War Across Huron River, 1910.Freshman vs. Sophomore Tug of War, 1914.Junior Hop, 1912.Freshman vs. Sophomore Rush, 1915-1916.Cap Night, 1912.Michigan Daily declares neutrality in 1914.Armistice Parade, November 11, 1918. "Let's Go," Playbill for Michigan Theater production, 1918.Hostess House, Reception Rooms, and Women's Gymnasium. Map of Campus in 1906 (Before added buildings just before and during World War I)University of Michigan Gargoyle publication staff in 1918. University of Michigan Opera Cast for 1918. Staff members of the Michigan Daily, women on staff. Gargoyle StaffReport on Student Affairs, 1918-1919.Patriotic Program in Hill Auditorium, July 31, 1914.University of Michigan "Big House" built just following World War I. UM Campus, 1920s.Belgian Relief Photograph, Girls. Women's League 1918. Michigan Rules for Tug-O-War Contests Gallery Campus ScenesAnn Arbor During WWICampus Buildings Michiganders in Training Camp CusterLiberty Loan AdvertisementsMichiganders on the Front LinesCorrespondence Ann Arbor During WWI → Campus Scenes