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  • Collection: Nuclear

Letter to Mrs Sinclair

Letter to Mrs. Sinclair.pdf
A letter to Mary Sinclair from Adolph Ackerman, discussing the proposed Midland Atomic Power Plant.

Lawsuit on Palisades N-Plant article

Palisades N-Plant.pdf
An article about the lawsuit on Palisades Nuclear Plant run by Consumers Power Company

Letter to Senator Robert Richardson

Letter to Senator Robert Richardson.pdf
Mary Sinclair acting as the President f the Citizens Committee for the Protection of the Environment of Michigan.

Letter to Martha Reynolds - UAW

Memo to Martha Reynolds.pdf
Mary Sinclair wrote a letter to Martha Reynolds asking for her help in setting up a meeting before the legislature to discuss what she had already written to them about but that they had admitted to ignoring.

Testimony for hearing of Subcommittee on Reorganization, Research, and international Organizations

Testimony for hearing of subcommittee.pdf
Dr. Radford, Professor of Environmental Medicine at Johns Hopkins University, discussing the implications of nuclear power development.

Highlights of national Intervenors Testimony

Highlights of National Intervenors Testimony.pdf
Quotes from different testimonies during the AEC Uranium Fuel Cycle Hearings of 1973.

Memo for Ralph Nader

Memo for Ralph Nader.pdf
A memo from Mary Sinclair to Ralph Nader providing topics that he should cover when speaking at the University of Michigan and Central Michigan

Supplemental Information

Supplemental Information.pdf
Additional information provided to Mary Sinclair, based from her June 26th. 1974 letter.

Social impact of Nuclear Power

Social Impact of Nuclear Power.pdf
Dr. Kikuchi project covering the major critics of nuclear power that have been affected in some way by the project itself.

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Public Announcement or Public Hearings on Energy Studies

Public Announcement.pdf
An announcement about the preliminary plans for energy study at the request of the Energy Research and Development Administration, the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Engineering.

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